Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Winner Announcement (Short on Ideas)

Showcase Winner Announcement from Short on Ideas Pimp-Out/Showcase.

Last week's Pimp-Out/Showcase was all about Camille from Short on Ideas.

This week's "blog candy" sponsored by Kadoodle Bug Designs, A choice of a file from the KBD store, winner has been selected by rafflecopter and has been verified to have followed the steps in order to qualify.
And the winner is.....a Rafflecopter giveaway
An'Jenic G., please send an e-mail to and claim your prize.

~Winner has a week from announcement to claim prize. If not claimed a new winner will be chosen~

You are welcomed to "like" the Deezy Does It! Facebook Page to keep up with the up-coming Pimp-Outs/Showcases.

We are looking for bloggers to spotlight:
Are you interested in being "Pimped-Out/Showcased"? Please contact me for a date. All submissions need to be in by Wednesday, a week before your scheduled Pimp-Out/Showcase post date, 8pm est.

We are looking for showcase give-a-way sponsors:
You may also contact me if you're interested in sponsoring the "blog candy" for a "Pimped-Out/Showcased" Hop!

Stay tuned for this week's Pimp-Out/Showcase to be released Friday and don't forget to link up.
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"L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle" "The love that moves the sun and other stars" (Eat, Pray, Love)