Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pimpin' "IS" Eezy! (Delectably Dawn)

Welcome back to the Pimp-Out/Showcase Hop!!!
Brought to you by Deezy Does It!

This "Weekly" Pimp-Out/Showcase Hop is to gain new followers as well as bring more traffic to your blog and at the same time receive greater exposure.  It is also a great way to meet other bloggers, exchange ideas, get great tips and learn new techniques; all while showing your "art".

Before we begin, there are just a few simple rules to the hop.
1. Follow the Host (first link): 
2. Follow the showcased blogger: Delectably Dawn (Second link)
3. Link up below using Linky Tools.
4. Visit at least 3 blogs from the linked up list below and leave a comment.  Let them know you came from the Weekly "Pimp-Out/Showcase" Hop and inform them you are a follower so they can return the favor.
~Please remember that if someone from the hop follows you, be sure to return the favor~

This week's Pimp-Out/Showcase belongs to Dawn from Delectably Dawn .
I'm Dawn. I just do what I love and love what I do. I'm a coffee drinking, craft making, dinner cooking, soul searching, fun loving mama and wife. But I'm also so much more!
In my blog you'll get the chance to see me struggle, see me laugh, and live the life I have. I'll share my experiences with you, and hope to hear some of yours as well! This life is a better place when we can learn from one another.

You can find me on Facebook HERE

I'm on Twitter HERE

And my Blog is HERE

Please join me in all of my adventures!
Link up below: ~Give-A-Way~

Melissa from Kadoodle Bug Designs (third link) is sponsoring the blog candy for this week's Pimp-Out/Showcase.  Up for grabs in this week's give-a-way we have a file of your choice from the Kadoodle Bug Designs store.
All of Kadoodle Bug Designs' cutting pattern files included are SVG, MTC, SCUT2 (SCAL), PDF, PNG, EPS, AI8, DXF, GSD and WPC.  Digi stamp files included are JPEG, PNG and TIF.
You can use a die-cutting machine or you can cut by hand.  The end result is aah-may-zin'!

To qualify for this week's "giveaway" be sure to sign up by using Rafflecopter below:a Rafflecopter giveaway
You are welcomed to "like" the Deezy Does It! Facebook Page to keep up with the up-coming Pimp-Outs/Showcases.

Each week we will showcase a "blog"!  If you are interested in being "Pimped-Out/Showcased", please contact me for an available date.  All submissions need to be in by Wednesday, a week before your scheduled Pimp-Out/Showcase post date, 8pm est.
You may also contact me if you're interested in sponsoring a "give-a-way " for a "Pimp-Out/Showcase" hop!

Be sure to come back on Wednesday for winner announcement.
~Winners have a week from announcement to claim prizes.  If not claimed a new winner will be randomly selected~
Grab Our Button
Copy the link below

"L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle" "The love that moves the sun and other stars" (Eat, Pray, Love)


  1. Thanks for letting me know about the link up!


  2. Thanks a lot for hosting Deezy. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I emailed you last week.. Have you checked this out?

  3. Hi Deezy
    Thanks for hosting. Come by and enter the raffles on my blog. Hope to see you soon.

  4. Thanks for hosting! After finding you last week I was looking forward to today (Thursday) to do it again :-)
    Carolyn @
    I hope you will stop by for a visit!

  5. Hello, Found you from the TGIF Blog Hop! Looking forward to reading more of your blog posts and becoming bloggin BFF's! :)


  6. Just doing some blog hopping on a Friday night and found you. I am now following via gfc, have a fantastic weekend!

  7. Thanks for hosting & inviting me to this link party! :)

  8. Also, added your button to my Where I Party page! :)

  9. Thank you for hosting and reminding me to sign up for the giveaway.

    Handmade at Warratahstree

  10. Very Nice! Love the shades and the owl cup is tops!

  11. Thank you for visiting me, too ;p I went for blast and comment and linked up everywhere and know that you've been Pinned, too! haha ;p

  12. Thanks for hosting and letting us know. BIF

  13. Thanks for hosting
    I am a new follower hope you will follow back
    ButterflyInTheAttic at

  14. Thanks for hosting and reminding me to link up!
