Friday, March 22, 2013

Pimpin' "IS" Eezy! (Funny Postpartum Lady)

Welcome back to the Pimp-Out/Showcase Hop!!!
Brought to you by Deezy Does It!

This "Weekly" Pimp-Out/Showcase Hop is to gain new followers as well as bring more traffic to your blog and at the same time receive greater exposure.  It is also a great way to meet other bloggers, exchange ideas, get great tips and learn new techniques all while showing your "art".

Before we begin, there are just a few simple rules to the hop.
1. Follow the Host (first link):
2. Follow the showcased blogger: Funny Postpartum Lady (second link)
3. Link up below using Linky Tools.
4. Visit at least 3 blogs from the linked up list below and leave a comment.  Let them know you came from the Weekly "Pimp-Out/Showcase" Hop and inform them you are a follower so they can return the favor.

~Please remember that if someone from the hop follows you, be sure to return the favor~

This week's Pimp-Out/Showcase belongs to a very special blogger and an awesomous friend, Liz.
My name is Liz, most affectionately known as Funny Postpartum Lady. I am a mom of 4 great kids and wife to a hunky Marine. I'm currently living in San Antonio but we live wherever the Military decides to send us.

I am a mommy blogger and run along with my Fan Page on Facebook. On my blog you can find giveaways, reviews, funny stories about my life, rants and raves, sponsor spotlights, military lifestyle posts, recipes, and random posts about anything. 

I'm also the President and Founder of which is a Social Networking Site for Parents. It's a great way to connect with other people just like you, ask questions, post pictures of your family, and just have fun. We are always trying to find new ways to make this website a better experience. 

You can join today for free by clicking HERE. It's simple and you can even sign up with your FB account.
Anything else you want to know, just ask.

Below are links to my Social Media pages. Come join me!


Melissa from Kadoodle Bug Designs (third link) is sponsoring the blog candy for this week's Pimp-Out/Showcase.  Up for grabs in this week's give-a-way we have a file of your choice from the Kadoodle Bug Designs store.

All of Kadoodle Bug Designs' cutting pattern files included are SVG, MTC, SCUT2 (SCAL), PDF, PNG, EPS, AI8, DXF, GSD and WPC.  Digi stamp files included are JPEG, PNG and TIF.

You can use a die-cutting machine or you can cut by hand.  The end result is aah-may-zin'!

To qualify for this week's "give-a-way" be sure to sign up by using Rafflecopter below:
You are welcomed to "like" the Deezy Does It! Facebook Page to keep up with the up-coming Pimp-Outs/Showcases.

Each week we will showcase a "blog"!  If you are interested in being "Pimped-Out/Showcased", please contact me for an available date.  All submissions need to be in by Wednesday, a week before your scheduled Pimp-Out/Showcase post date, 8pm est.

You may also contact me if you're interested in sponsoring a "give-a-way " for a "Pimp-Out/Showcase" hop!

Be sure to come back on Wednesday for winner announcement.
Grab Our Button
Copy the link below:
Link Up Below:
"L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle" "The love that moves the sun and other stars" (Eat, Pray, Love)


  1. Checking out another great showcase!!!

  2. New follower from Aloha!!! Hope you follow back!

  3. Im happy to be joining you all again this week.

  4. Thanks for hosting!! Feel free to stop by and link up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party :) You can link up whatever you like...


  5. Great blog! I found you from the Aloha Blog Hop and I'm your newest follower!

    Missy Inspired

  6. Hello Deezy,
    Thanks for the link party. You have a great blog. See you next week.

  7. Hi Deezy! Linked up and am now following you via GFC!

  8. Hi Deezy. Thanks for follow & invitation.
    Followed you via GFC & FB.
    Stay in touch!

    Rena Lynn

  9. Hi Deezy, thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for inviting me! I had already followed you with GFC, I'm now following you with Pinterest and looking for the other ways to follow as well. TY for hosting, and have a great week!

    Lor K

  10. Hi Deezy! I'm following you!!!! yayyyy

  11. I found you at the Friend Connect blog hop! Just wanted to stop in and say hello, you have a new follower! :)

    High Heels and Training Wheels
