Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Flat Branden Vacations in PR

My son, Branden, participated in the "Flat Stanley" project.

We decided that the best vacation would be for "Flat Branden" to travel to Puerto Rico and visit his Abu and Tete. It would only be the cost of a stamp instead of a plane ticket :-) "Flat Branden" arrived in Puerto Rico on April 3rd. Since this was a surprise visit, Abu and Tete enjoyed being able to tuck him in for the night and immediately started to plan his vacation on the island.... 
Keep reading and you will see just where "Flat Branden" ended up. Sure turned out to be an extremely fun experience for Abu and Tete.

Right away, Abu wanted to take "Flat Branden" to her job with her and show how handsome "Flat Branden" is. 

Abu works for a Home Care Nursing Home.  They took pictures to show “Flat Branden” was there. 

He even made it out unto the patio.

The next day they started their adventures by taking a tour of the in-land parts of Puerto Rico.  Woh, you can see so far away when standing and looking from a mountain.

They also traveled through different mountain roads to see an awesome water view from afar...

Abu and Tete wanted to give “Flat Branden” a tour of the white house, which is where the governor of Puerto Rico lives.  They couldn’t get in, but that didn’t stop them from taking a picture of him on front of the building.

San Juan seems to have a liking for flying kites.  “Flat Branden” was hanging out with a couple of kite flyers.

They visited the San Felipe del Morro Castle.

“Flat Branden” visited the beaches.  Couldn’t go to PR and not go to the beach, right?  Abu and Tete took him to “Del Escambron” beach and they walked the beach-front. 

Also on the sand along the water as they held hands.

It was awesome to be able to check out the sail boats sail by.

Then came time to see the cruise ship docking stations.
Tete showed “Flat Branden” where there was a pirate ship.

“Flat Branden”, Abu and Tete ran into a kindergarten class students who were out on a field trip of “Old San Juan”.  They asked if they could hang out with them during the trip and they said yes.

They were starving after all that touring and so into a Burger King they went in to eat.

By the end of the trip, Branden was so glad to be with his Abu and Tete that he climbed up a tree and wouldn’t come down because he didn’t want to leave them.

"Flat Branden" was such a great house guest that Abu took her time to write his teacher a very nice letter.

"My most sincere Thank You for allowing me to share and be a part of the beautiful things that can be done with my grandson, Branden.  As well as giving me the chance to take part given the distance.  I surely enjoyed this project to the MAX.
Hello students of Branden's kindergarten class, Flat Branden, that's me, went on an adventure to an island located in the Caribbean Sea called Puerto Rico.  My mommy's parents live there.  My Abu and Tete were very excited to take me many places.
Our adventures started as we visited the bay where all the cruise ships dock.  And as you can see the adventures went on from there.
Ramona Rosario"


  1. That is sooooo cool, how much fun is that hey!!

  2. How adorable and sweet is this!!!

    <3 it!



  3. looks like he had a FABULOUS time

  4. Love this and LOVE PR! I have lots of family there and can't wait to go back and visit. Stopping in from the TGIF blog hop and leaving a follower!

    1. Aaw, thank you! I stopped by your blog :-)

  5. Looks like Flat Stanley had a blast! Stopping by from the TGIF hop and am now your newest follower:) Hope you can come check out Crazy Mama Drama !

    1. I was there and I am a new follower! Thanks for stopping by :-)

  6. Very nice - glad Flat Branden is getting out and about ...
    Popped in on the blog hop - give me a visit some time at

    1. Thank you! I saw your blog name and immediately knew I had to follow! Thanks for stopping by :-)

  7. I"m doing my hopping ( from the TGIF BLOG HOP) and just hopped on yours - I'm a follower now. Hope you will follow me back. Have a great weekend.

    1. I've soooo returned the favor. Thank you!!!!

  8. Love this. Gave you an award.

  9. That is SO cute! I love the pictures! Fiound/followed via the TGIF Blog Hop

  10. this is so cute.
