Friday, April 6, 2012

Baby mode!

Before you start to let your brain ramble, NO! We are not expecting! My friend The Funny Pregnant Lady is and as of today she is almost 4cm and 75% effaced, not to mention tonight is a full moon.  In celebrity news rumor has it that Drew Barrymore might be as well as England's future queen Catherine. I guess sooner or later People Mag will get the real scoop and stop speculating. Enough of that....  So my brain started to work. I managed to create this cute little buggy. I know I know, I have a boy yet I still managed to go with pink. My husband was teased as time came close to having Branden that he would come home wearing pink;-). If you have had the chance to know my husband, of course Branden didn't come home in pink.... He wore mint green... Hehe!
OK OK, back to the buggy. With the help of my cutter, some card stock, glue, brads and shiny stones this buggy came alive.

I also created the cute little shoe favor box to go with as well.

And couldn't just not make a boy themed shoe.  Here's one just to give an idea.  I didn't have any boyish card stock hanging around so I was limited. 

Know of anyone having a baby soon? Maybe there's a baby shower coming up.....

Funny Pregnant Lady, your present for Emily Rose is finished and packed up. 
I just need your new address to have it shipped :-)

"L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle"
"The love that moves the sun and the other stars"