Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's a party for my niece...

So, this weekend my niece, Maria, will be staying with me as her mommy goes on a weekend get-a-way….  She has a Valentines Day party at her pre-school in which she needs to bring valentines for the whole class.  Thankfully for her (she loves to write her own name) there are only 12 children in the class and so she only had to write her name 12 times as well as her classmates names one per card….

We started with her writing her name in all of them first while I helped my 6 yr old with home work.  She then decided that she wanted to place the pencils on the cards with the help of her uncle’s tape…  Now my turn was to create something only she would have in the classroom…  A crafty looking mailbox to hold all those little special valentines and once she gave them all away she will come home with her mailbox filled of her received valentine cards.  I can see her face now when she gets to the house and sees the special item I created for her and only her….

Because y’all won’t tell her and her mommy won’t be seeing her until Sunday night, I can show you what I created for her….  But remember you have to keep it a secret.   SHHH!

Look at that face.....  And then she says "It's beautiful Titi, Thank you!"

"L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle"
"The love that moves the sun and the other stars"